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  • VitalGate Health: The Acupuncture Experts of Naples, Florida and New York

    With acupuncture becoming an increasingly popular complementary therapy globally, the following article explores what acupuncture is, the conditions it treats, and how safe it is - before telling you how you can book your treatment with our team of acupuncture experts in Naples, FL and New York. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. This ancient technique is based on the belief that the human body has a system of channels, or meridians, through which vital energy, or Qi, flows. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when Qi becomes imbalanced or meridians become blocked, it can lead to various health issues. By inserting needles into specific acupuncture points along the meridians, practitioners aim to restore the balance and flow of Qi, promoting overall well-being and addressing specific ailments. How does acupuncture work? While the health benefits and exact mechanisms of acupuncture are still being studied, it is believed that the insertion of fine needles into the body’s acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the release of endorphins, promote blood circulation and modulate the nervous system. These physiological changes have the potential to activate the body's inherent healing capacities and enhance both physical and emotional well-being. Within recent years, acupuncture has gained significant credibility, and is increasingly recommended by healthcare professionals as an adjunct therapy to mainstream medicine and medical intervention. This growing acceptance within the medical community, ongoing scientific research and growing use makes acupuncture a credible complementary therapy for those living with a whole host of physical and mental health conditions. What conditions can acupuncture treat? Acupuncture is commonly used to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, relieve stress, and treat a wide range of conditions, such as the following: Chronic Pain: Acupuncture has shown promising results in relieving various types of chronic pain, including back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis and migraines. Stress and Anxiety: With acupuncture promoting relaxation, improving sleep quality and enhancing overall emotional wellbeing, it is often used as a complementary therapy for reducing stress and anxiety levels. Insomnia: In a similar vein, acupuncture has also been found to be beneficial in treating insomnia and improving sleep quality by regulating the body’s sleep-wake cycle and promoting relaxation. Digestive Disorders: There’s growing evidence that the therapy may provide relief for digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, nausea and bloating, by helping to regulate digestive functions and reduce inflammation. Women’s Health: Acupuncture has been used to address various women’s health concerns, including menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), fertility issues, and menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. Respiratory Conditions: Acupuncture can be beneficial in managing respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, and sinusitis by reducing inflammation, improving lung function, and relieving symptoms. Depression: As a complementary therapy, acupuncture may assist in alleviating symptoms of depression by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and balancing neurotransmitters associated with mood regulation. Fibromyalgia: Acupuncture has shown promise in providing relief for individuals with fibromyalgia, helping to reduce pain, fatigue, and improving overall quality of life. Sports Injuries: Acupuncture is commonly used in sports medicine to promote healing, reduce pain, and enhance recovery from sports-related injuries, such as sprains, strains, and tendonitis. Chemotherapy Side Effects: Acupuncture can help alleviate certain side effects of chemotherapy, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and pain, and may improve overall well-being during cancer treatment. However, it’s important to note that while acupuncture may offer benefits for these conditions, it shouldn’t replace advice and treatment from your medical healthcare practitioner, and instead should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment. Full consultation with a qualified healthcare provider before starting acupuncture treatment is advised, and you should only use a qualified acupuncture practitioner. Can acupuncture help with weight loss? There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that acupuncture can aid in weight loss efforts but current scientific evidence remains inconclusive. Some individuals have reported positive outcomes when using acupuncture as a complementary therapy alongside healthy lifestyle changes. Acupuncture may potentially assist with weight loss by addressing factors such as appetite control, stress reduction, hormone regulation, and digestion. By targeting specific acupuncture points, practitioners aim to stimulate the body's natural mechanisms and promote overall balance, potentially supporting weight management goals. However, it is important to note that scientific research on the direct effects of acupuncture for weight loss is limited, and individual results may vary. For comprehensive weight loss strategies, it is recommended to consult with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians who can provide evidence-based guidance and develop personalized plans. Is acupuncture safe? Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by trained, licensed practitioners using sterile, single-use needles. When proper hygiene and safety measures are followed, it has a low risk of adverse effects. However, as with any medical procedure, there may be some potential risks, such as minor bruising, soreness, or bleeding at the needle insertion site. Individuals with bleeding disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications should exercise caution and inform their acupuncturist beforehand. It is also advised to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning acupuncture treatment - especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. Acupuncture in Naples, Florida & New York As licensed practitioners and registered Doctors of Oriental Medicine, our team of experts here at VitalGate Health bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our acupuncture practice. Having dedicated our lives to treating and enhancing the wellness and quality of life for our patients, we specialize in acupuncture for pain management, women’s health and emotional wellbeing. Our extensive training and commitment to ongoing research allows us to provide personalized treatments tailored to each individual’s needs, and our compassionate approach and dedication to patient care has earned us a strong reputation amongst our clients. If you’re seeking relief from various health conditions, are looking to enhance your health, and improve your quality of life, we offer a comprehensive and positive experience for our patients seeking acupuncture in Naples, Florida and New York. To enquire about acupuncture treatments at VitalGate Health, please contact us or text us using the buttons below.

  • How Bioresonance Therapy Can Support Healing Stress, Chronic Illnesses & Emotionally-Based Condition

    A comprehensive guide to bioresonance therapy and how it can support your whole-body healing. In today’s busy and demanding world, it's normal to experience emotional stress from time to time. However, excessive or prolonged stress can have detrimental effects on the body. That’s why it is important to recognize the impact of emotional stress and explore ways to address it. One revolutionary approach that has gained attention is bioresonance therapy. This cutting-edge technique utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to assess and rebalance the body's energy patterns. In this blog post, you will discover the principles, benefits, limitations, and potential applications of bioresonance therapy. Keep reading to learn more about the wonders of bioresonance therapy. What is Bioresonance Therapy? Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medical approach that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat health conditions. It works on the principle that each cell and organ in the body has its own electromagnetic frequency. Imbalances in these frequencies are believed to contribute to health problems. During a therapy session, a practitioner measures the body's electromagnetic frequencies using bioresonance equipment. If imbalances are found, the equipment aims to restore balance by transmitting specific electromagnetic frequencies back into the body. This is done either through electrodes, handheld devices, or specialized equipment that the patient can wear or be in close proximity to. What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy? Bioresonance therapy goes beyond merely addressing health issues caused by stress. While it is widely acknowledged for its efficiency in treating stress-related conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue, bioresonance therapy extends its healing potential to the following: Mental and Emotional Well-being Bioresonance therapy recognizes the intricate connection between the mind and body. It targets imbalances in electromagnetic frequencies related to stress, anxiety, and emotional well-being to restore a sense of calm and balance. Many individuals have reported reduced anxiety levels, improved sleep, and increased emotional resilience as a result of bioresonance sessions. Chronic Conditions and Pain Management Bioresonance therapy has shown promising results in addressing chronic conditions and providing relief from pain. Individuals suffering from conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraines, and musculoskeletal pain have reported reduced symptoms and improved quality of life after undergoing bioresonance therapy. Allergies and Sensitivities Through the assessment of the body's electromagnetic responses to specific substances or allergens, practitioners are able to identify triggers and develop individualized health plans. Bioresonance devices are then used to provide targeted frequencies, potentially desensitizing the body and reducing the allergic response over time. Detoxification and Cleansing Bioresonance therapy is often employed as a complementary approach to support the body's detoxification processes. It identifies and rebalances disrupted frequencies associated with toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances. This allows bioresonance therapy to facilitate their elimination and optimize the body's detoxification pathways. Integrating Bioresonance with Conventional Medicine The integration of bioresonance therapy with conventional medicine offers a valuable complementary approach to healthcare, providing patients with a comprehensive and holistic support system. In certain cases, bioresonance therapy can be used alongside conventional treatments, offering additional support in managing chronic conditions, pain, allergies, and emotional well-being. Bioresonance Therapy Cost Several factors can affect the cost of bioresonance therapy. They are listed and explained below: Location of the therapy center Treatment centers in urban areas or regions with high living costs often charge higher fees compared to those in rural or economically less developed areas. Experience and reputation of the bioresonance practitioner Highly skilled and well-known practitioners may command higher fees due to their expertise and established track record. Duration and frequency of therapy sessions Longer or more frequent sessions typically come with higher price tags. Complexity of the health condition Conditions requiring comprehensive assessment and extensive treatment protocols may incur higher charges. Limitations of Bioresonance Therapy Lack of scientific evidence Despite the claims made by practitioners, there is a dearth of robust scientific research supporting the efficacy of bioresonance therapy. Existing studies suffer from methodological flaws, small sample sizes, and insufficient control groups, making it challenging to draw reliable conclusions. Unproven diagnostic claims Bioresonance therapy asserts its ability to diagnose various health conditions by analyzing the body's energy frequencies. However, the concept of energy frequencies and their connection to specific diseases or imbalances lacks support from scientific evidence. Absence of standardized protocols Bioresonance therapy lacks standardized approaches. Different practitioners may employ varying devices, techniques, and protocols, leading to inconsistent results and a lack of reproducibility. Influence of the placebo effect Like many alternative therapies, the placebo effect may play a significant role in the reported benefits of bioresonance therapy. The belief and expectation of positive outcomes can result in subjective improvements in symptoms, but these improvements are not necessarily attributable to the treatment itself. Potential for delayed or inadequate conventional treatment Relying solely on bioresonance therapy for the diagnosis and treatment of serious medical conditions can be risky. Delaying or neglecting appropriate medical interventions in favor of unproven alternative therapies may exacerbate disease progression and pose potential harm to individuals. Lack of regulation Bioresonance therapy is not consistently regulated across different countries, leading to variations in training, qualifications, and standards of practice. This lack of oversight increases the risk of unqualified practitioners and potential harm to patients. Why Should I Use Bioresonance Therapy? Bioresonance therapy offers a fascinating and comprehensive approach to healing that warrants further investigation. By working with the body's electromagnetic frequencies and striving to restore balance, this therapy holds potential for addressing different health issues. The integration of bioresonance therapy with conventional medicine provides an excellent opportunity for a complementary healthcare approach. This collaboration allows for improved patient outcomes and a more holistic support system. By sharing knowledge, experiences, and research findings, practitioners from both fields can deepen their understanding of how bioresonance therapy can enhance and complement conventional medical practices. Frequently Asked Questions How accurate is bioresonance therapy? Bioresonance therapy is a controversial alternative treatment that claims to diagnose and treat health conditions by balancing the body's energy frequencies. However, scientific evidence supporting its accuracy and effectiveness is lacking. The therapy is considered pseudoscience by the scientific community due to weak and inconclusive studies. Established scientific principles do not support its proposed mechanisms or the existence of the claimed energy frequencies. It's important to approach bioresonance therapy with skepticism and seek evidence-based medical treatments from qualified healthcare professionals. Does bioresonance use radiation? No, bioresonance does not involve the use of radiation. Bioresonance devices measure and adjust electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body, aiming to restore balance and promote healing. Can bioresonance detect parasites? No, in the medical field, the detection of parasites typically relies on established laboratory tests such as stool samples, blood tests, or imaging techniques. These methods have undergone extensive scientific research and validation to ensure their accuracy and reliability. Drawing upon the principles of energy medicine, bioresonance therapy employs advanced technology to detect and rebalance the subtle energy imbalances within the body. By harmonizing the bioenergetic field, this gentle and non-invasive therapy stimulates the body's innate healing abilities, facilitating improved well-being from within. Whether you're seeking relief from allergies, digestive ailments, stress-related issues, or simply aiming to optimize your overall performance and wellness, bioresonance therapy can be the key that unlocks the door to a healthier and more vibrant life. Vital Gate Health has an experienced team of practitioners who are passionately committed to accompanying you on this transformative journey, tailoring each session to address your unique needs and aspirations. Ready to explore the world of energy medicine and rejuvenation? Curious about bioresonance therapy and how it can enhance your health?

  • Peptide Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

    Imagine tiny superheroes working within the body to keep it healthy and functioning optimally - they bypass all the parts of your body slowing you down and go right to the source. Can you imagine it? That’s what peptides are. Peptides are short amino acid chains that help the body function and communicate between cells. Scientists have now discovered how to design and synthesize specific peptide sequences to create therapeutic effects. Peptide therapy is an exciting frontier in healthcare that's changing the way medical treatments are approached. This novel therapy uses peptides to treat several illnesses and improve well-being. In this article, we will deep dive into the captivating world of peptide therapy, uncovering its benefits, discovering its applications, and envisioning the future it holds. So keep on reading and learn how this new era of healthcare improves the lives of patients worldwide. What are Peptides and their Role in the Body? Peptides are found in all cells and tissues and help sustain health. These "tiny proteins" can send messages to the brain and facilitate intercellular communication, directing various functions. Humans have around 7,000 peptides, which govern many vital biological functions. Among their diverse functions are the following: Facilitate the transmission of signals between nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body. Bind to specific receptors on target cells and initiate signaling pathways that regulate various physiological processes. Support weight loss, muscle mass, sexual function, and immunity. improve the skin barrier and help produce collagen and elastin for healthy skin. Meanwhile, the natural production of peptides can vary significantly among individuals, with a decline occurring as a person ages. This is where peptide therapy becomes valuable, as it involves using synthetic peptides to compensate for the decrease in natural production. What is Peptide Therapy? Peptide treatment uses peptides from animal or plant protein sources to replenish or change peptide levels in the body, improving health. The versatility of peptide treatment allows it to cater to a wide range of health concerns and goals. The selection of each peptide used in therapy is based on clinical research and chosen for its specific ability to trigger a desired biological function within your body. Peptide Therapy for Medical Conditions Peptide therapy is making remarkable strides in transforming the treatment landscape across a wide range of applications. Below are some of the applications of peptide treatment: Diabetes GLP-1 analogs and other peptide-based medicines give diabetics hope. Peptides help regulate blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and lose weight. Cancer Peptide-based cancer medicines are potent. By targeting specific cancer cells or disrupting critical cellular processes, these peptides show promise for inhibiting tumor growth or triggering cancer cell death. Additionally, peptide vaccines hold the potential for stimulating the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Neurodegenerative Disorders Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease patients may benefit from peptide therapy. These innovative therapies aim to intervene in disease progression by minimizing toxic protein buildup and promoting neuronal survival and function. Performance Enhancement and Muscle Growth Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are commonly interested in peptides for performance and muscular growth. Peptide-based chemicals like GHRPs and SARMs may help grow muscle, enhance endurance, and expedite recovery. However, SARMs are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency for all athletes. These substances are anabolic agents that may be misused to enhance performance and muscle growth. Anti-Aging and Cosmetics Peptide-based products have found their way into the realm of anti-aging and cosmetics, offering exciting possibilities. Cosmetics contain collagen-boosting and wrinkle-reducing peptides. How is Peptide Therapy Delivered? Peptides offer multiple administration methods, such as: Oral Topical creams Nasal sprays Injections Among these options, subcutaneous injections are widely recognized as the most effective. By directly entering the bloodstream, this method enables peptides to swiftly permeate the body, optimizing their bioavailability. What are the Benefits of Peptide Therapy? Peptide therapy has a host of benefits that make it an exciting breakthrough in healthcare. Listed and explained below are the key benefits of peptide therapy: Targeted Precision Peptides can be finely tuned to interact with specific cells, receptors, or pathways in the body. This remarkable precision allows for targeted and focused actions, honing in on the areas that need attention. This targeted approach helps minimize the chances of adverse reactions and enhances the overall safety profile of the treatment. Personalized Medicine Potential The unique properties of peptides allow for customization to fit individual patient characteristics, such as genetic variations or specific disease subtypes. This approach ensures that treatment is tailored to the individual, optimizing effectiveness. Thriving Research and an Exciting Future The field of peptide therapy is a hotbed of ongoing research and development. Scientists constantly explore new peptides, uncover innovative delivery methods, and discover exciting therapeutic applications. Challenges and Limitations of Peptide Therapy While peptide therapy holds tremendous promise, it is not without its fair share of challenges and limitations. These hurdles highlight the need for continuous research and innovative solutions to fully unlock the potential of peptide therapy. Listed below are some of the main challenges faced by researchers and healthcare professionals: Peptide Stability and Delivery Peptides are delicate and susceptible to degradation in the body. Maintaining their stability and ensuring efficient delivery to the intended targets pose significant challenges. Scientists are working tirelessly to develop methods that enhance peptide stability and design innovative delivery systems to ensure precise and effective delivery. Manufacturing Complexity and Cost Producing peptides can be a complex and costly endeavor, especially for longer or modified sequences. Scaling up production while maintaining quality and affordability presents a significant hurdle. Researchers are actively exploring new synthesis methods and optimizing manufacturing processes to make peptide therapies more accessible and cost-effective. Oral Bioavailability Swallowing a peptide pill sounds convenient, but unfortunately, peptides often struggle to be absorbed effectively when taken orally. They can be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, limiting their usefulness as oral medications. Immunogenicity Immune responses to peptides can produce antibodies that counteract their therapeutic benefits. Tackling immunogenicity is vital to ensure sustained efficacy and minimize the risk of unwanted immune reactions. Limited Target Availability Not all diseases or conditions have clearly defined targets or receptors that peptides can effectively engage. Identifying suitable targets and developing peptides that can selectively bind to them present challenges in certain therapeutic areas. Regulatory and Clinical Development Bringing peptide therapies to market involves navigating regulatory hurdles and conducting rigorous clinical trials. The process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive and pose logistical and financial obstacles. Collaboration between researchers, industry, and regulatory bodies is crucial to streamlining the development and approval processes and ensuring safe and effective peptide therapies reach the patients who need them. Potential Side Effects of Peptide Therapy Peptides have a vital role in regulating various physiological processes within the body, so it's no surprise that a decline in their production would significantly impact overall health. However, here are some signs and symptoms that you may need to consider when using peptides: Hormonal imbalance Digestive problems Obesity Inflammation Lack of sexual drive Depression Anxiety Fatigue Increased sensitivity to heat or cold Decrease in lean body mass Reduced ability to tolerate exercise Lower bone density Muscle and joint pain Dull-looking skin and hair Conclusion Peptides are like tiny superheroes working within the body to keep it healthy and functioning optimally. They act as the building blocks for proteins, deliver messages to the brain, and ensure cells communicate effectively. They also play a vital role in regulating immune responses, metabolism, weight management, sexual function, mood, and so much more. However, the amount of peptide produced in the body can vary from person to person. Thankfully, peptide therapy steps in as a valuable solution, using synthetic peptides to make up for the decline and restore balance in the body. Peptide treatment can potentially improve tissue repair, speed up healing, regulate metabolism, manage weight, and improve one’s quality of life. Frequently Asked Questions Is peptide therapy FDA-approved? In 2022, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a total of five TIDES for peptide therapy. These TIDES included four peptides and one oligonucleotide. It is important to note that over-the-counter peptide therapies are not FDA-approved, as the FDA regulates cosmetics and dietary supplements under different regulations than drug products. Is peptide therapy safe? Peptide therapy is widely regarded as an exceptionally safe treatment option. The human body possesses a natural affinity for peptides, as they are produced endogenously and comprise the fundamental building blocks of cells and tissues. Consequently, the body readily recognizes and tolerates these peptides, rendering them virtually risk-free for the majority of individuals in good health. What are the risks of peptide therapy? Abusing peptide hormones can wreak havoc in the body, causing a whole host of problems. One major issue is motor paralysis, where one might lose control of body movements and find it difficult to do simple tasks. Muscles can also get damaged and weakened from this abuse. And that's not all—diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism are also associated with hormone misuse, which can mess with the body. There is also an increased risk of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, osteoporosis, and cancer once peptide treatment is not administered correctly. What foods are high in peptides? Animal proteins are packed with essential nutrients and are known for their high biological value. You can also find bioactive peptides in plant-based sources like soy, oat, pulses, canola, wheat, flaxseed, and hemp seed. Book your peptide therapy treatment in Naples, FL & New York today To enquire about peptide therapy treatments in Naples, FL or New York, please contact us here (linked to, or text us on (need to check contact number for Galina). Together, we can help restore balance to your body.

  • iTeraCare Therapy

    A revolutionary product to the new era in health & fitness. Integrates three top technologies - Terahertz, Quantum and Optical Quartzes. It is component is cast with more than one hundred trace elements. ITeraCare Therapy Device certification is stringently tested, inspected, and certified by the China Beijing Academy of Sciences and National Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Certification and other authoritative organization's certification related to the device. "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." -Albert Einstein The Benefits of Terahertz Device The Ten Health Benefits of "iTeraCare Therapy Device" Terahertz wave frequency is found between far infrared and microwave. with a wavelength between 30 and 3000 microns. When cells are irradiated by terahertz frequency, it rapidly transfers energy into the human body and activates inert cells. Scientific research shows that it is completely safe for human body cells absorption. The principle treatment of iTeraCare is to unclog capillaries to enhance the body and cells to function healthily.

  • Chronic Pain-Relief Through Frequency-Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

    Only available in Naples What is frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM)? Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) is a technique for treating pain by using low-level electrical current, which is delivered to certain parts of your body to relieve pain. A frequency is the rate at which a sound wave or electronic pulse is produced. During FSM treatment, various frequencies can be used to repair tissues and reduce pain and swelling (inflammation). What conditions can be treated with frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM)? FSM used to treat pain, especially nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and scar tissue, from the following conditions: Acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term) musculoskeletal injuries Chronic fracture and bone pain. Acute and chronic neuropathic (nerve) pain. Arthritis Asthma Burnes Chronic fracture and bone pain Concussions Diabetes-related neuropathy. Disc injuries/discogenic- and facet-based pain. Fibromyalgia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Headaches Kidney Stones Neuromas (overgrowth and scarring to a nerve after an injury). Plantar Fasciitis (pain in the heel and foot) Shingles Sports Injuries Tendinopathy (inflammation and/or swelling of the tendon) Torticollis (the head is tilted to one side). Viscerally referred pain. Wounds. How does frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) work? We use a special device to deliver a mild electrical current to certain parts of your body. The electrical current used in this treatment is extremely mild and therefore completely safe and not painful. The human body produces its own current within each of your cells. Specific frequencies will be selected depending on the tissue involved to encourage natural healing of the body and to reduce your pain. There are frequencies for nearly every type of tissue in your body. FSM works by increasing the production of a substance called ATP that’s inside injured tissues. ATP is the major source of energy for all cellular reactions in your body. Because treatment with FSM can increase the amount of ATP that’s created in your damaged cells by as much as 500%, this treatment may help with your recovery. Depending on the condition, treatment with FSM can soften the muscles, which can help relieve pain or stiffness. How is frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) applied? During your FSM treatment, we set the frequencies that are going to be used for your particular condition. In many cases, the frequencies are set at two different levels — for example, one microcurrent channel might be set at 10 Hz and the second at 40 Hz. The current is usually applied with a moistened towel or with skin patches. It’s very important that you’re well hydrated before your FSM treatment. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids leading up to your appointment. How long do the effects of a frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment last? Depending on the condition and your level of pain, the effects of an FSM treatment for pain can last several days or longer. For acute injuries, lasting pain relief can often be achieved. Are there any situations in which frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) should NOT be used? People with pacemakers. People with implanted pumps. Pregnant women. People who have uncontrolled seizures. Certain frequencies also shouldn’t be used in cases of acute infection, new scar tissue (within six weeks) and acute fractures. Make sure to talk about any of these concerns with us before treatment. What are the risks and side effects of frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment? The side effects of FSM treatments are usually very rare and mild. If you do experience side effects, they could include: Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach). Drowsiness.

  • Theraphi

    Only available in Naples THERAPHI is a Tesla plasma Photon light technology that helps with Cancer symptoms, chronic fatigue, insomnia, pain, and more health problems. Our goal is to get our patients back to doing the things they love with the people they love. THERAPHI Treatment showed being particularly helpful in the treatment of COPD and Pulmonary Fibrosis, Post Covid Symptoms, Cancer, Diabetes, Injuries, Vision Disorders, Tinnitus, ADD, Lack of Concentration, Arrhythmia, and Cardio-Vascular Disease. Seven health problems that can be solved with the help of THERAPHI Reduces Pain and Inflammation (Migraines, Joint Pain, Neck and Back Pain, Sports Recovery, etc.) Helps Chronic Fatigue (Lyme Disease, Poor Sleep Quality) Enhances Cancer Recovery (Heals damaged cells, body tissues, and organs by restoring the cells' memory of being “healthy” - the process of Cell Memory Reversal) Enhances Circulation (Increased Circulation showed to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries and to lower the cholesterol levels to normal) Enhances the Immunity Enhances Wound Healing Reverses Disease and Slows Down the Aging Process What is THERAPHI? Theraphi is the next evolution in the healing technologies pioneered by Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, George Lakhovsky, and Antoine Priore. It’s a bioactive plasma field device modeled after the famous PRIORE device, which was so successful against many diseases in France, particularly cancers and cysts. Theraphi device creates precise frequencies for the production of the “Bio-Active Field,” which affects the body’s cellular regenerative system, the actual "healing" system in the body. In this new revolutionary system, radio frequencies are used as carrier waves for various frequency signatures. The robust solid-state emitters combined with a unique mixture of noble gases produce an extraordinary bio-active implosion, negentropy life-giving plasma field. The Theraphi’s unique plasma generates longitudinal waves that can be used to send both information and energy, and they can be imprinted with information patterns. THERAPHI therapy allows us to: Help with both acute and chronic conditions Start your recovery immediately Session is painless, calming, and doesn't have any adverse side effects Speed your recovery by treating more frequently than is usually possible

  • Cell Gym Therapy for Cellular Vitality

    Cellgym is FINNALY HERE Announcing The Best European Treatment for people with degenerative diseases! CELL GYM INTERMITTENT HYPOXIC TRAINING (IHT) - ONLY AVAILABLE IN NAPLES FLORIDA This Treatment Is For You If You Suffer With... CANCER CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RESPIRATORY DISEASES LONG COVID DIABETES AND METABOLIC DISEASE SLOWLY HEALING WOUNDS AND TRAUMA DEMENTIA AND MEMORY PROBLEMS Cellgym is Available Locally In Naples FL Here Are The Top 7 Reasons Why You NEED This Remarkable Quick And Easy Treatment! Incredibly Fast Recovery from and prevention of Heart attack and Stroke Helps the body utilize Oxygen in optimum levels Pain Relief and Healing of Injuries and surgery A Major Breakthrough In Boosting Energy Levels The Hidden Benefit of (IHT) Cellgym Treatments is a major Increase of Mental Focus Fast wound healing Balancing metabolism Incredibly Fast Active Recovery with Cellgym Recovery is an important part of healing. Recovery time may be reduced by 35% using Cell Gym intermittent hypoxic training (IHT). Think of IHT as a fast-forward button for healing and recovery. By flushing tissues with high levels of oxygen, people may experience benefits like: Increased stem cell activation Faster brain and heart and other organs regeneration Reduced muscle fatigue and exhaustion Decreases pain, inflammation, and stress Depending on your condition 10-30 one-hour treatments are needed! Pain Relief In 45 Min 40-50 minute Cellgym treatment allows oxygen to penetrate deeply into blood, plasma, and cerebral fluids, increasing circulation and healing where your body needs it most. Cellgym Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) GET IT FOR JUST $300 BOOK A SESSION NOW Only available in Naples, Florida The Truth About The Hyperbaric Therapy Vs CellGym? It’s like giving you a fish - versus teaching you how to fish. Hyperbaric is helpful in the treatment of wounds by hyperoxygenation and CellGym is teaching the body to use oxygen even when it is in a small amount - treatment of wounds + prevention of mountain sickness, prevention of decompression sickness in divers, improvement of the metabolism and energy, improving reaction, mental clarity and focus and many other health benefits. We use the most successful European treatment technologies supported by research. The Cellgym® CellAir® Your body needs the right amount of energy so you can function at your best. Every single movement requires energy from your body. Talking, walking, and eating would not be possible without a constant supply of energy. Over time, it may be more difficult for your body to produce the energy necessary to help you perform at an optimal level. The Cellgym® CellAir® Gecko is designed to improve energy efficiency and recovery to help you live a fuller life. How can the CellAir® Gecko enhance vitality? The secret is intermittent hypoxic training (IHT). Similar to altitude training, IHT can improve your overall energy and health. What Others Are Saying... Great treatment!! It has helped my body to increase its resistance to fatigue. As a mountain climber, this treatment is what lets me achieve my goals with more energy, more confidence, and less fatigue. - CHRIS MARTIN I was so surprised how much this helped me! And, I don't hesitate to recommend this treatment as it is proven to enhance metabolic function, improve glycemic control, better blood flow and breathing. - RYAN SYDNEY I am glad to suggest this treatment for every patient. In my opinion, this is the right option for any patient to recover more efficiently, for shorter, and with less fatigue! - LAUREN GOMEZ Cellgym Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) GET IT FOR JUST $300 BOOK A SESSION NOW Only available in Naples, Florida

  • Benefits of Induction Therapy

    Now you can benefit from fantastic therapy from Europe… Induction Therapy. All changes to cells, organs, or body systems cause a regulation disturbance to the brain waves. This unnatural brain rhythm takes hold long before the illness physically appears in the body. Induction therapy re-educates the brain to return to the natural frequency pattern it used to have before the changes occurred. Induction Therapy only uses the mechanism that the brain uses itself. Why is it so hard to conquer migraines, for example? ― Because the brain has developed a regulation disturbance that is impossible to shift. Hence the migraines come back time and time again. Induction therapy has a program specifically for migraines. We have had patients who have come during a migraine attack and who have fallen asleep during the treatment and woken without a migraine. They have reported that with further treatments, they were able to conquer migraines completely. When your brain becomes used to pain on a regular basis? Arthritic pain, back pain, constant headaches, stomach pain, etc., it becomes very difficult for the body to return to its pre-pain pattern no matter what therapies you try for pain relief. Induction Therapy is an excellent way to bring the brain back to its normal (pre-pain) rhythm. The Induction Therapy Mental Training Program improves the blood circulation to the brain and hence it is an excellent treatment for Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s Diseases and arteriosclerosis, as well as sharpening the intellect, improving concentration and learning ability, improving memory, improving eyesight and hearing, and enhancing creativity. In fact, if you wish to improve your memory we recommend that you bring along a tape of something you wish to learn so that you can play it while you are having the treatment. You will be amazed at how easily it sinks into your memory. The Children’s Program is excellent for children’s fears and phobias; lymphatic disturbances including bronchitis, tonsillitis, and sinusitis; bed wetting, learning problems, hyperactive children, allergies, tinnitus, abscesses, and children’s speech disorders. Examples of problems that Induction Therapy helps with are: Sleeping Disturbance of any sort Migraines and Headaches Skin Disorders All children’s illnesses All children’s disturbances Degenerative Illnesses Immune System disturbances Depression Stress, nervousness, phobias, lack of mental calm Problems connected to Menopause and the onset of Puberty Back Pain Memory Training Endocrine Disorders Kicking bad habits (smoking etc.) Eating disorders However, the list goes on and we are sure that there is a program in Induction Therapy that will assist you. The treatment is non-invasive and simply requires that you lie down for a period of 30-40 minutes and just relax while you enjoy the therapy. The treatment is applied through an electromagnetic loop worn on a head. Possibly you will fall asleep during the treatment. Afterward, you will feel relaxed and calm. Induction therapy can be combined with many other treatments.

  • Say Goodbye to Swelling and Discomfort from Inflammation with Lymphatic Drainage Treatments

    Lymphatic Drainage in Naples, FL Tired of feeling weighed down by swelling and discomfort? Noticing more inflammation in your legs, arms, or face? Uncover the secrets of lymphatic drainage therapy, an age-old practice that's gaining modern recognition for its remarkable benefits. What is lymphatic drainage? Lymphatic drainage, also known as lymphatic drainage massage, is a therapeutic technique that involves gentle hand movements and light pressure on certain areas of the body to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid within the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage should always be carried out by a trained practitioner, and each massage and treatment plan is tailored to an individual’s specific needs. When do you need lymphatic drainage? While anybody can benefit from lymphatic drainage, it’s typically used to treat lymphedema, which is when lymphatic fluid collects in and swells particular areas of the body. Usually, muscular contractions, breathing and body movements help the lymphatic system move lymphatic fluid throughout the body - but there are occasions and conditions that can lead to lymphedema (or swelling). Lymphatic drainage techniques can therefore be used to help improve lymphatic flow and alleviate this swelling (and often, the associated discomfort). In addition, lymphatic drainage can aid in the removal of waste products and toxins from the body, as well as having a calming effect on the nervous system - resulting in relaxation and the reduction of stress levels. Which conditions can benefit from lymphatic drainage? Lymphedema is a common side effect of breast cancer surgery, so patients receiving treatment for breast cancer may have lymphatic drainage recommended to them. It’s also recommended for: Those experiencing post-surgery swelling Those with chronic inflammation conditions such as arthritis and sinusitis Those with chronic fatigue syndrome Those with Fibromyalgia Those with a number of different skin conditions including, but not limited to, eczema, rosacea, seborrhea and acne Those with gastrointestinal issues Those with neurological issues such as vertigo and migraines Lymphatic drainage can be extremely effective when working alongside medical treatment as part of a wider comprehensive treatment plan. The science behind Lymphatic Drainage that works The lymphatic system plays an essential role in the body’s immune system, carrying a liquid called lymph, containing a type of white blood cells known as lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are transported to areas of infection or inflammation, where they can initiate an immune response, as well as destroying damaged or abnormal cells. The lymphatic system is vital for maintaining the body’s immune defenses, and it works in close coordination with the body’s other systems to protect the body from pathogens, eliminate waste products, and support overall well-being. The equipment we use for Lymphatic Drainage As well as offering the more traditional lymphatic drainage massage, here at VitalGate Health, we have access to a number of non-invasive, pain-free technologies and pieces of equipment that allow us to target the pain at the root of the problem, rather than just putting a bandaid on it. Book your lymphatic drainage treatment in Naples, FL and New York Want to know the best part? Lymphatic drainage treatments don’t hurt – and our holistic clinic in Naples, FL has a team of qualified lymphatic drainage practitioners on hand to help you regain a state of lymphatic flow, reducing the inflammation and finding the root cause so it doesn’t come back again. Click the button below to book your appointment today or text us if you have any questions.

  • What is Bioresonance?

    "According to Paul Schmidt" Bioresonance is best explained using an example from nature. The oldest kind of biological resonance is sunlight. When sunlight touches our skin a variety of biochemical processes are triggered, not by heat but by ultraviolet rays. These UV rays encourage the generation of pigments in our skin, causing it to darken and appear tanned. Another similar process produces Vitamin D. Sunlight contains only a narrow band of frequencies, but a much wider range of frequencies exist and can trigger many other regulatory processes. Our founder, Paul Schmidt, realized this in 1976 and established the exogenous Bioresonance treatment which bears his name today. His method especially emphasizes the elimination of negative health influences like geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, unhealthy diet, acid-alkaline imbalance, etc. In Germany alone, more than 5500 naturopaths and doctors regularly apply Paul Schmidt's Bioresonance treatments. This breakthrough is enabled by Rayonex's professional device, the Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar. ​​ Case Reports Nothing is more fascinating than a variety of successful case reports from many different therapists. It is very gratifying that the homeopathic practitioner (HP) Michael Petersen has taken up this subject himself has a non-medical practitioner, successful user of the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, author of books and of course a member of the association for the promotion of vibration medicine. On his homepage:, in just a few months he has already collected and published over 100 case reports. To each report was a general progress report written for the public and a therapists’ report, which describes the process in the therapy. The particular therapists' report (protected area) are available on the web page of DocCheck via a password or via the member password of the Association for the promotion of oscillation medicine. You may receive the member password directly from the office of the Association for the promotion of oscillation medicine, Ms. Plaßmann, Tel.: 0700 / 87 24 94 64 E-Mail: If you are not yet a member, you may apply for membership for the amount of 52,00€ per year, directly with Ms. Plaßmann. Important Note regarding the Homepage of HP Michael Petersen: All information in the case reports refer to the energetic approach and must not be confused with the conventional medical point of view. Bioresonance falls within the domain of empirical medicine. Traditional orthodox medicine does not currently accept or even recognise the effects of bioenergetic oscillations. Therefore, the correlations described go sometimes far beyond the current state of science. These pages are for your information and inspiration only. They are not a substitute for a doctor or naturopath in case of a specific illness. The specialist reports are meant for orientation and learning purposes. They are not suitable as therapy recommendations for other cases. This also applies to similar cases. It always depends on the individual circumstances of each case. The specialist reports are therefore no substitute for a specific individual examination and treatment of each patient. The reports are mere reproductions of experiences that individual users had in individual cases. In no way can effectiveness claims be associated herewith. Nor should the impression be created that these experiences can basically be applied in all cases. There are no promised cures associated either. This would also not be permissible in terms of law and order. ​​

  • How can SCENAR Therapy support the healing process?

    The body can get accustomed to a stable pathological state, which may have been caused by injury, disease, or toxicity. The SCENAR catalyses the process to produce regulatory peptides through the stimulation of C-fibers for the body to use as where necessary. It is these neuropeptides that in turn reestablish the body’s natural physiological state and are responsible for the healing process. As these peptides last up to several hours, the healing process will continue long after the treatment is over. The large quantity of neuropeptides and C-fibers in the Central Nervous System can also result in the treatment on one area aiding other chemical imbalances to correct sleeplessness, appetite, and behavioral problems. In Russia, there are over 50,000 cases of the device’s use, and some 700 practitioners currently use the device as their principal treatment instrument. A vast wealth of information is available from research papers, clinical reports, and training manuals. The device is used on most types of disease or injury: circulatory, sensory, respiratory, neurological, genito-urinary, musculo-skeletal, gastro-intestinal, endocrine, immune, and psychological disorders. ​​​ The SCENAR is also credited with vastly reducing recovery times. Russian athletes have been known not only to compete after serious injuries, but even to break world-records. In accident and emergency wards, its ability to aid recovery is used to help victims of cardiac arrest, massive trauma, and coma. It has recently been discovered to also aid in improving learning ability, memory, sexual function, and physical health. Finally trials in Russia have also realized SCENAR’s usage for pain relief. Both cancer and fracture patients have found more pain relief from the release of the body’s natural opiates after SCENAR treatment than from administered chemical opiates. SCENAR can be used as stand-alone treatment or in harmony with other methods. The RITM profscenar is only to be used by scenar-trained medical professionals. ​ Each patient is offered a computer express-diagnosis with a “RISTA-EPD” computer diagnostic set, which includes three diagnostic programs: “Nakatani”, “Auricle”, and “R.Woll”. ​ Recent developments in this program now make it possible to obtain a read-out that gives information about general zones and information about the internal organs based on the assessment of the zones of the vegetative nervous system enervation. This complex will help to diagnose the beginning of diseases at the functional disorders state, to localize zones on the skin surface to prevent the development of pathology with the use of transdermic therapy, to get objective information about the state of the patient, and to control the achievement of treatment and rehabilitation aims objectively.

  • Holistic Treatment & Colon Cancer: What You Need to Know

    In our practice we use Natural, Holistic treatments. Colorectal cancer, cancer of the colon and rectum, is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in America. It usually develops from small, noncancerous growths called polyps that form on the inner walls of the colon. Over time, some of these polyps can become cancerous and spread to other parts of the body. If it has not spread beyond the colon or rectum and is caught early, the five-year survival rate is about 90%. However, if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the survival rate drops significantly. Signs and Symptoms The most common symptoms of colorectal cancer include: Abdominal pain, Changes in bowel movements, Blood in the stool Problems related to blood loss (anemia, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, pounding or racing heart, chest pain, and intolerance to exercise) Abdominal discomfort (frequent gas, bloating, fullness, cramps, and pain) Unexplained weight lossPain with bowel movementFeeling that your bowel does not empty completely Fatigue It is important to talk to a healthcare provider if any of these symptoms are experienced. Source: Risk Factors for Developing Colorectal Cancer Include: Age (being over 50) Having colorectal cancer previously Having a history of adenomatous polyps Family history of colorectal cancer Eating a high-fat diet Prolonged consumption of red and processed meat Smoking Being overweight Heavy use of alcohol Having inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis) Having diabetes Physical inactivity Previous endometrial or ovarian cancer Women undergoing radiation for gynecologic cancer Source: Diagnosis Diagnosis is based on: Complete medical history, Physical exam, Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, Biopsy. During a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy, your doctor removes a sample of tissue (called a biopsy) from the colon or rectum and examines it under a microscope to detect abnormal growths. If cancer is evident, your doctor will perform a series of tests (chest x-ray, abdominal CT scan, and blood tests to check liver function.) Source: Stages of Colorectal Cancer Include: Stage 0: The earliest stage; cancer is found only in the innermost lining of the colon and/or rectum. Stage 1: Cancer has grown through the innermost lining but hasn't spread beyond the colon wall or rectum. Stage 2: Cancer has spread to deeper layers of the wall of the colon or rectum, but not the lymph nodes. Stage 3: Cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but not to other parts of the body. Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver and lungs. Source: Prevention: Screening - Stool DNA testing, Colonoscopy ( every 10 years, for those with family history of colon cancer every 3 to 5 years, starting at least 10 years before the age of the relative at the time of his or her diagnosis.) Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon and halibut), folate (such as whole grains and leafy green vegetables), and calcium (such as sea vegetables and kale), can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and reducing the intake of high-fat and fried foods, particularly red meats. Maintaining a proper weight and exercising regularly at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days. Source: Allopathic Treatment for Colon Cancer: The choice of treatment for colorectal cancer depends on the stage of the cancer, as well as the patient's overall health and preference. Here are some common treatments for colorectal cancer: Surgery: Surgery is the most common treatment for colorectal cancer. The goal is to remove as much of the cancerous tissue as possible. For early-stage colon or rectal cancer, the surgeon may be able to remove the cancer entirely or perform a minimally invasive surgery. For advanced colorectal cancer, more extensive surgery may be needed to remove a portion of the colon or rectum. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It is typically used for advanced-stage colorectal cancer, either alone or in combination with other treatments. Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. It is typically used for rectal cancer to shrink the tumor prior to surgery or to treat cancer that has spread beyond the colon or rectum. Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy uses drugs that target specific proteins on cancer cells, making them more vulnerable to chemotherapy. These drugs can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy works by stimulating the immune system to fight cancer cells. This type of therapy is still in its early stages for colorectal cancer but shows promising results. It is important to talk with your doctor about the best treatment options for your specific type and stage of colorectal cancer. Source: Alternative Treatments That Can Be Effective Against Colon Cancer: Acupuncture: Acupuncture has been used as a complementary therapy to relieve the symptoms of colon cancer and side effects of treatment. Herbal supplements: There are various herbal supplements we use that are believed to help reduce the growth of colon cancer cells. Exercise: Regular exercise helps in keeping the body healthy and promotes the immune system of the patient, thereby helping to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Stress reduction through: Meditation: This technique helps in calming the mind and relieving stress, which can improve the overall health and help ease the symptoms of colon cancer. Mind-body therapies: Mind-body techniques like hypnosis, visualization, and guided imagery can help patients in dealing with pain, anxiety and depression associated with colon cancer. Rectal ozone therapy: Ozone therapy has become a popular alternative treatment for various health conditions. Here are some of the reported benefits of ozone therapy: Boosts the immune system: Ozone is believed to stimulate white blood cells and improve overall immune function. Reduces pain and inflammation: Ozone injections may help reduce pain and swelling in acute and chronic injuries. Promotes tissue healing: Ozone promotes blood flow and oxygenation, which can potentially speed up healing and recovery. Treats infections: Ozone gas has antimicrobial properties that can sterilize and kill pathogens, making it useful for treating certain types of infections. Reduces stress: Some proponents suggest that ozone therapy can help reduce stress and increase energy levels. PEMF Therapy PEMFs might be capable of inhibiting cancer growth by disrupting the mitotic spindle during cell division. Through this mechanism, PEMFs impair the orientation of spindle tubulin and induce dielectrophoresis. Hyperthermia Hyperthermia applied as radiosensitizer or chemosensitizer has shown great results in over four decades and is presently successfully applied in combination with radiotherapy or chemotherapy for treatment of many tumor types Peptide Therapy Peptide can be utilized directly as a cytotoxic agent through various mechanisms or can act as a carrier of cytotoxic agents and radioisotopes by specifically targeting cancer cells. Peptide-based hormonal therapy has been extensively studied and utilized for the treatment of breast and colon cancers. Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy Studies have shown that hydrogen gas can induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells. This effect has been observed in various types of cancer, including breast, lung, colon, and colon cancers. Additionally, hydrogen has been found to inhibit tumor growth and metastasis in animal models. One possible explanation for the anti-cancer effects of hydrogen is its ability to activate the immune system. Hydrogen has been shown to increase the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, which play a critical role in detecting and killing cancer cells. It may also enhance the function of dendritic cells, which are responsible for initiating an immune response against cancer. Another possible mechanism is the ability of hydrogen to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. These processes play a key role in the development and progression of cancer. By neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation, hydrogen may create a less hospitable environment for cancer cells to thrive. In addition, some studies suggest that hydrogen may protect healthy tissues from damage caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This is particularly important as these treatments can often cause serious side effects and damage to healthy tissues. While more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer effects of hydrogen, the evidence so far suggests that it may be a promising therapeutic option for cancer patients. Lymphatic Drainage Therapy The goal of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote the drainage of excess lymph fluid. This is accomplished through gentle techniques that help to move the lymphatic fluid away from the affected area and toward healthy lymph nodes where it can be processed and eliminated from the body. In addition to managing lymphedema, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy can also help to alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and improve overall range of motion. It may also help to boost the immune system and promote healing. It is important to note that Lymphatic Drainage Therapy should only be performed by a trained therapist who specializes in cancer treatment related lymphedema management. Patients should also consult with their oncologist or healthcare provider before starting any new therapies or treatments. Overall, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy can be a valuable tool in managing cancer treatment related lymphedema and improving quality of life for those affected. BioResonance Bioresonance therapy can help increase the patient’s immune system and assist with reducing the patient’s stress levels during the cancer treatment process. The therapy aims to improve the patient’s overall well-being, which in turn may aid in the successful elimination of cancer cells from their body. In conclusion, while Bioresonance therapy cannot directly cure cancer, it has proven to be effective in assisting with the prevention and treatment of cancer. The technology works to eliminate harmful substances from the body, promote healing, and aid in the management of side-effects caused by traditional cancer treatment options.

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